• February 16, 2025
  • Last Update July 1, 2024 6:17 PM
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Schools in Bungoma South Sub-County receive science kits

Schools in Bungoma South Sub-County receive science kits


Friday, April 5, 2024

KNA by Catherine Nyongesa

Sixty-six schools from Bungoma South Sub-County, Bungoma County have received Primary Science kits from the School Equipment Production Unit (SEPU).

SEPU Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Mr. Joel Mabonga said that the kits wouldgo a long way in assisting teachers in teaching sciences at grade four, five andsix under the Competency Based Curriculum.

He said the kit contains teaching aids that a teacher needed to be able to teacheffectively when teaching sciences.

Mabonga who was speaking outside the Bungoma County EducationOffice today during the distribution exercise said the kit has a manual thatwould guide the teachers in their endeavors to teach the subject as it gives a list ofall the items in the kit and how to use them.

He said that SEPU was targeting to distribute the same to all schools in thecounty and was working to supplement the efforts of the Ministry of Educationto implement CBC in the area and the country as a whole.

The CEO said the kit was at a cost of Sh70,000 to the school and that theteachers would undergo an induction on how to use the kit.

Teachers who spoke to KNA said that the kit would help in science teachingas the they would be able to move with it from one class to another and reachthe learners at their convenience and that it would meet the needs of schoolsunder the CBC.

The Vice chair Kenya Primary Schools Heads Association (KEPSHA)Bungoma South Sub-County Mr. Mwelu Wasilwa said the kit would meet theneeds of the schools that were not able to put up laboratories.

Courtesy; KNA

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