• July 3, 2024
  • Last Update July 3, 2024 3:09 PM
  • Nairobi

Three-year program aimed at unlocking untapped value chains

Three-year program aimed at unlocking untapped value chains


Monday July 1, 2024

KNA by Peter Gitonga

Turkana County residents and refugees are set to benefit from a 3-year program, aimed at unlocking untapped value chains for trade development.

The $ 5 million initiative, implemented by the International Trade Center (ITC) in collaboration with the Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), focuses on fostering market-based livelihood opportunities at the grassroots level.

During a multi-sector engagement forum, project implementers highlighted the potential for trade-in value chains related to honey production, beekeeping, artisanal crafts, and digital services.

A market survey conducted in Turkana revealed the untapped potential of the youthful population and internet connectivity as crucial elements for creating new business and trade frontiers in agriculture and digitization.

The Director of Trade, James Lokwale, welcomed the proposed project, emphasizing that the survey’s findings justified the need for such an initiative.

He noted that the multi-sector engagement allowed for refining the project to be more inclusive, benefiting host communities, refugees, and vulnerable populations.

Lokwale underscored the importance of enhanced skill development, stating, “The time has come to include the host communities, refugees, and the youthful population in driving the socio-economic progress of the county.”

Courtesy; KNA

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