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Households sensitized on hygiene and sanitation

Households sensitized on hygiene and sanitation


Monday, May 13, 2024

KNA by Peter Gitonga

Turkana County Department of Health and Sanitation’s Public Health Directorate, in conjunction with Welthungerhilfe Kenya, has sensitized over 200 households in the Nareng’ewoi community in Turkana North on good hygiene and sanitation practices as Lake Turkana continues to flood, displacing households.

The community was reminded of the high risk of water contamination, which may lead to outbreaks of water-related diseases amidst ongoing floods.

In his remarks, the County Executive for Health and Sanitation Dr. Francis Mariao emphasized that sensitization was key to enhancing the resilience of communities in the face of imminent health risks.

Dr. Mariao pointed out that latrines had been submerged by floods from both the lake and surrounding areas, leading to possible contamination of water.

“This promotion is paving the way for the distribution of non-food items (NFIs) as a coordinated response to any imminent health emergencies,” he said.

He further advised households near the lake to relocate away from contaminated waters to safer grounds.

This, he said, would reduce the risk of outbreaks of water-borne diseases such as cholera and typhoid, as well as property loss.

On the other hand, the County Emergency Response and Preparedness Coordinator James Ekamais stated that the county is currently preparing a strategic plan and guidelines for response against possible disease outbreaks.

He emphasized the importance of hygiene, recommending the use of water purifying tablets and boiled water as a first-line measure to eliminate the risk of contracting waterborne and related illnesses.

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