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  • Last Update July 1, 2024 6:17 PM
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Man jailed for conducting pharmacy business illegally


Saturday June 8, 2024

KNA by Jacinta Kipruto and Christopher Kiprop

An unlicensed pharmacy operator was Friday sentenced to a prison term of five months for operating an unregistered pharmacy in Oinobmoi centre, Baringo Central.

Musa Chesire was granted an alternative penalty of Sh30,000 fine by the presiding Senior Resident Magistrate Purity Koskey for two counts he had pleaded guilty to.

According to the prosecution, Chesire was found conducting business as a pharmacist in a premises not registered by the Pharmacy and Poisons Board, contravening the pharmacy and poisons act.

The charge sheet read that the accused was carrying on the business in premises not registered by the pharmacy and poisons board Contrary to Section 23(1) As read with section 23(6) of the pharmacy and poisons act cap 244 laws of Kenya.In his mitigation, Chesire requested forgiveness from the court.

Chesire stated, “I am a retired clinical officer, I retired last year September and I am trying to make ends meet and provide for my children and grandchildren. I did not intend to break the law, but I was desperate to support my family.”

The magistrate on issuing the sentence acknowledged Chesire’s circumstances but stressed the seriousness of the offence stating that the charge against the accused is a serious offence whose fine goes up to Sh1 million.

Courtesy; KNA

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