• March 17, 2025
  • Last Update July 1, 2024 6:17 PM
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NCCK urges Government to end medics’ strike

NCCK urges Government to end medics’ strike


Sunday, April 7, 2024

KNA by Steve Gatheru

The Embu branch of the National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK) is dismayed that the Government and striking medical workers have failed to reach an agreement to end the ongoing strike leading to the endless suffering of the poor.

They said the more than three weeks the strike had taken was too long and that it was high time the parties ended the standoff.

The clerics in a Statement read by Branch Chairman Bishop Stephen Njogu also said there was anxiety about the proposed transition from the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) to the new Social Health Insurance Fund (SHIF) with some private health providers refusing to treat people with the NHIF card.

Several church leaders under the umbrella of NCCK had met at the Mwamba Imara NICA church at Gakwegori in Embu where they also elected new office bearers.

They noted that there was need for extensive civic education on the transition to enable people know what they were getting into in the new scheme before it is implemented.

Clergy also expressed concern that the government was not taking any steps to reduce the cost of living that had left most households unable to afford essential commodities.

They said they were dismayed that of the nine bills before Parliament as a result of the NADCO talks, none addressed the issue of cost of living, yet it was the one that made Kenyans demonstrate on the streets.

Expressing grave concern about reports of adulterated or fake fertilizers, the clergy said the occurrence had tarnished the good work the government had done in addressing food insecurity and said all those involved in the scandal should be made to face the full force of the law.

They urged members of the public to support the scaled up NCCK Scholarship program by contributing Sh1.50 of their airtime daily.

During the elections, Bishop Stephen Njogu was elected chairman, Salvation Army Major Paul Kyalo vice chairman and Rev Captain Tabitha Kariuki secretary.

Others office bearers are Bishop Patrick Mureithi elected honorary Treasurer, Phyllis Wandiri, the women representative while Claire Njageh and Nancy Gatumu will represent youth and persons with disabilities.

Courtesy; KNA

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